No Crystal Stair Podcast

Be Independent and Economically Free

Season 2 Episode 26

Habeebah sits down with Gloria Ware, the mother of a free-thinking adult son and founder of two successful businesses: Get The Bag and GTB Advisors. Gloria shares her personal story of setting boundaries as a working mother, which was a first step toward liberating herself from the limiting beliefs that work life so often demands. She cautions listeners about the cost of holding a scarcity mindset and explains how the path of entrepreneurship opens the door for mothers to exercise choice. Gloria also invites listeners to tap into the rich history of Black women entrepreneurs for inspiration to persevere through tough moments in business and encourages us all to incorporate self-care into our business plan.

Connect with Gloria on Facebook at and on Instagram, or by joining the community of Black women entrepreneurs Gloria connects with at For listeners who are ready to level up their business head to